Month: July 2018

July Update: Men of CODE / Support Becky’s Fund today!

Men of CODE is in Full Swing

Mid-summer finds Becky’s Fund right in the thick of this year’s Men of CODE program. This year, we are happy to return to Friendship Collegiate Academy and Ballou High School and start working with the football team at Walter Johnson High School.  So far, we have tackled lessons on positive male leadership, masculinity, and healthy relationships. The players have been engaged and thoughtful in our conversations. We are looking forward to our discussions about consent, personal responsibility and mental health.

If you would like to get involved through sponsorship, volunteering or speaking at Men of CODE, please email

We have a New Home!

We have moved from our location in Thomas Circle into the EcofyWorx community, a place where impact is accelerated.
1899 L Street NW, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Don’t Forget to Shop!

Every time you shop on Amazon, make sure to use their Amazon Smile feature and select Becky Lee Women’s Support Fund as your chosen charity. Amazon donates to Becky’s Fund when you shop deals at