Month: November 2012

One Woman’s Old Car is Another Woman’s Lifeboat

With stores already decorating for Christmas, the season for spending and advertisement bombardment will quickly come upon us. In the midst of this, it is always refreshing to be reminded of the true season of the holidays – spreading cheer by giving the gift of hope and freedom. One domestic violence victim was given this priceless gift by the generous Kat T. and Bo Chokbengboun. Kat donated a car to Becky’s Fund and Chokbengboun has provided service support for necessary repairs. The car will be going to a survivor with three sons, and a newly found sense of independence.

Donated car is on its way to be fixed.

“I am ready to be a survivor. I have been a victim for far too long. Even more so, I am ready to start living,” said the domestic violence survivor. Having experienced domestic violence in her past, Kat understands the importance of having a vehicle to escape and live an independent life from the abuse. “My very first car was sold to me for very cheap from my Mom. It was my ticket to freedom in a city that didn’t have good public transportation options. I wanted to give that sense of freedom to someone,” explained Kat. Most often people question victims on why they do not seek freedom from their abusers immediately. What many do not realize is that a victim, most often, does not have a “next step” planned once they are able to leave. This stalls their departure. Similarly, as a mother of three boys, our new survivor struggled with figuring out how to leave her abuser without putting herself and her sons into an impossible position. In addition, the “Sip With Socialites” happy hour event on October 25, 2012 at the newly renovated Tony and Joe’s Seafood Place raised over $3,000 to help refurbish the donated vehicle that will be given to our new survivor. With the help of Becky’s Fund, this woman has been able to lay out a plan to leave her abuser and can now create a new and safe beginning for her and her sons. This is the true meaning of the holidays.