Forget Me Not: This Week
This week has been amazing on so many levels. I’m not even sure where to start, and yet I know why I want to share this with you. You are the reason for my joy this week. I’m talking about my fellow survivors, those who are trying to help friends or family members, and those who are out there cheering on others daily. This week has been full of connections, hopeful conversations, and personal growth. And, I have you to thank for it.
I have been blessed to have had conversations with several individuals through this blog, social media, and in person. New bonds have been created with people I’ve never met, yet feel like I have known for years. I’ve watched you support each other, provide feedback on ideas, share your demons and your dreams, and raise each other up. We are so much stronger together than when we try to stand-alone.
This week I spoke verbally, for the first time, about my journey through domestic violence and healing. I stood in front of a room of people, without fear, and spoke my truth. I saw the looks of concern and the looks of understanding. We made a difference that day. Not just me, but all who took the time to put such an event together so that victims could be reached and their loved ones educated. It was beautiful to see emotion sweep the room as we watched Lady Gaga perform “Til It Happens to You.” And, at the same time, it was sad, as I could feel the heaviness of those reliving their own experiences.
I watched people wait in line to talk to me because they wanted to know how to help a friend suffering from domestic violence. They were full of concern and willing to learn. I learned that a woman sought shelter after hearing my story. I don’t know if it was my words or the words of the shelter representative, but she is on her way to healing because we came together and broke the silence on domestic abuse. I saw togetherness and it makes my heart swell with happiness and love.
This week I saw my blog climb to 359 views from 9 countries, the most it has ever received. It reinforced that in today’s world, our reach is infinite. I sit at my computer and share my thoughts, fears, dreams, and the lessons I have learned, and my words travel around the world so that they can be found by those whose lives I may touch. Thank you for reading. I believe, wholeheartedly, that I lived through domestic violence so that I can help others through my experience.
This week has brought me hope. I set out to bring to hope to others, and you all have brought hope to me. The interactions and support that I have received have given me the confidence, and validation, to carry on in my mission. Although we all come to these blogs, web pages, social media sites, and chat rooms for various reason, we will grow and blossom together. I look forward to continuing in our journey side by side.
Read the Forget Me Not Series here and visit the Forget Me Not Advocacy Group’s website.