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Who thinks we should have ‘Domestic Violence Offender’ registries?

No abusive relationship starts out that way. If a guy hit you on the first date, you probably wouldn’t give him a second call any time soon. It’s almost always a progression of increasingly controlling or violent behaviors. So the scary thing is, you never know.

Every worried soccer mom or protective dad has been able to check the sex offender registry for potential threats for years. But when it comes to domestic violence, you have no way of knowing if you or your friend’s next blind date might be bad news.

And given the facts about domestic violence reoffending, it’s crucial that we be able to know just what we’re getting into. A study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that over half of defendants in domestic violence cases last year were at least second time offenders. And that’s only among the men who were in court and were reported. Thousands of cases and complaints go unheard each year because victims have a hard time coming forward.

Currently, there are no state registries, and though Texas and New York both considered bills to create them in 2011, both died in their respective houses. A privately owned company created a national registry that has been “in progress” since it began. Maryland has 0 offenders listed, and Virginia only about 50. It’s hard to believe these are accurate total numbers given the statistic that 1 in 3 women experiences domestic or dating violence.

So why the disparity? Why sex offender registries and not domestic violence offender registries? Both offenders are charged because of intimate violence. Both present a threat to children and potential partners. Is the law implicitly delegitimizing the danger of a domestic violence offender in comparison to a sex offender? We’re not sure, but for now, with no help from a registry, we all have to be careful about how our and our friends’ new relationships start developing and be able to say something when we see warning signs.

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Sofia’s story of LOVE then pain

Sofia believes in the American dream and you can see it in her smile if you knew her. She once had a vision of her future that she never stopped to pursue.  One day Sofia met the person who made her feel butterflies in her stomach and who she felt finally made her life complete.  She gave him her life and she tried to change his to make him a better person.

She realized that he had a dark past that has become a part of his present. That compulsive, social liar personality could be very hard to change, but she believe that she could do anything and that the sky was the limit. So she continued to get involved with his life and learned his deepest secrets.  Every time she thought they were progressing to a better place in their relationship, she saw more and more red flags. It started as a simple push and grab and escalated to punches and chokes until she felt that she couldn’t breathe.

Sofia found herself stuck in a dark world, the same dark world that she was trying to take him out of. He made her believe that he had the world in his hands and as any good “car dealer” he knew what to say and how to behave in front of people. Nobody would have any idea of what was really going on behind closed doors.

One day everything stopped…and he was gone. Even though she loves him to this day, she knows that she is better without him. Sofia would rather wake up every morning, praying to God that she stops having these feelings, than to never have the opportunity to wake up alive again.

She has forgiven him but hasn’t forgotten what happened and she is learning how to let him go from her heart. If you have met Sofia you know that she lights up any place, every time she walks into a room because she has the body of a woman and she still has the innocent soul of a child. If you haven’t seen her, don’t forget her story and learn from it because one day it could be the story of somebody you love.

Seynique’s Farewell

My first day at Becky’s Fund seems like a distant dream, and yet remains rather vivid in my memory today. It was my very first job in a professional environment and I was overwhelmed to say the least. How would I fit into the non-profit world? Would I fit in at all? What should I wear? These questions, both serious and trivial, filled my head that Monday morning on April 2 as I boarded the train from Greenbelt and headed towards the city. Though a native Washingtonian (okay, honestly, I’m from the ’burbs), my trips into the city were typically reserved for sight-seeing and school field trips in grade school.

This time, I wasn’t going to see the giant pandas at the National Zoo. No. I was determined to at least pretend that I was a fashionable and ambitious young woman in the city, even if it was just for six months. As I walked down M Street, I felt a bit like Mary Tyler Moore minus a kicky theme song and that awesome beret.

Looking back, as corny as I may have been, I’m happy that I came to Becky’s Fund with a positive outlook. From the outside, working at an anti-domestic violence non-profit doesn’t seem like the most lighthearted job. I even heard it from my friends and family. “Won’t that be depressing?” they said. “How do you know what you’re doing will make a difference?” And they had every right for posing these questions, especially the last one. How do I know that I have made a difference?

The answer is that I never will know. I may go the rest of my life never knowing if a particular survivor was able to leave her abusive boyfriend, or if a teenage girl heard our message before the violence could escalate. But I go to bed every night knowing that whatever work I did, even on tasks with a seemingly small outcome, was a part of a larger movement. It’s this sort of attitude that is the driving force behind grassroots activism. We must see the forest for the trees in order for change to happen.

I leave confidently, knowing that I am equipped to continue to this movement. I may be elsewhere, but my roots will always remain firmly planted at Becky’s Fund.

V for Victory or V for Violence?

In the athletic world, especially football, it seems aggression is the name of the game. The National Football League has undergone much scrutiny this past year after a number of current and former players suffered from severe injuries, most commonly to the head. These severe head injuries have serious consequences and are believed to be the reason some players have taken their own lives after retirement.

It is interesting to think about what changes in football rules could be made, and how long those changes would last. Yes, football holds the title as the toughest sport in America, but if violence were monitored how would it affect the game of football and its viewers?

A poll done by the Washington Post found that nearly 9 in 10 fans say reports about head injuries and their effects would not make much difference in their plans to watch games this fall. Thirty-five percent of fans say they would enjoy football more if there were fewer hard hits, but thirty-nine percent said they would like it much less.

Although the NFL discussed and implemented many ideas to make football a little safer, fans may not have noticed the harder hits that were being made last season. In March, the NFL revealed that assistant coach Gregg Williams had instigated a bounty program for the New Orleans Saints. Players were rewarded for intentional, violent hits on the field. Participating players and Williams put money towards a payout system, wherein a bonus was awarded to players who deliberately hit or injured opposing players.

The players were suspended among other penalties. The players appealed the decision and just today, September 7th, a NFL panel of appeals vetoed the penalties against the four current and former Saints players. The new ruling pretty much says the players are allowed to play again, and eventually someone else will decide penalties, if any. The current players can go back on the field and the former player can resign and play immediately. Linebacker Jonathan Vilma, one of players in the case, tweeted “Victory is mine!”

The football field is not the only place where NFL players have expressed their aggressive ways. Less than a month ago, former Miami Dolphins Wide Receiver, Chad Johnson was arrested on domestic violence charges. Johnson was fired from the Miami Dolphins, however, it is unclear whether any other teams will hire him. In his case, it is very unlikely because this isn’t his first offense with domestic abuse and his situation was widely publicized in the media. However, there are many lower scale players that commit violence or abuse outside of the sport, and are allowed to continue to play their game—by paying a few fines and going on suspension.

Is violence so engraved in American society that despite efforts to end excessive violence in sports, it will still be acceptable and even rewarded by fans of the game?

Becky’s Fund Welcomes New Intern Caroline Ladzinski

My name is Caroline Ladzinski and I am the new intern at Becky’s Fund.

I am a Maryland native. However, currently, I am embracing the Washingtonian
life style as a sophomore at American University. As a student of American University’s
School of Public Affairs (SPA) and Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, my studies are focused specifically on women concentrated public policy. More specifically, I am pursuing an interdisciplinary major in Communications, Legal Studies, Economics, and
Government (C.L.E.G) along with a minor in Women’s Studies.

Alongside my normal course work, I spend most of my time having an active role,
as the current fundraising chair and member of the School of Public Affairs Leadership
program. It is a four-year program that culminates into a Certificate in Advance Leadership Studies. There are many facets to the program, including a classroom portion. However, in my opinion, the greatest aspect is the social Here is a selection of people having Neptune in horoscope for libra (around 4000 people). action opportunity. As a sophomore, the program challenges each member to create, plan and execute a social action project on an issue of his or her choice. As someone who has personal experience with dating abuse, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to focus my project on this particular issue. While having this opportunity, I found myself wanting to be part of something greater then myself that is really making a difference in ending domestic violence.

My extreme passion for this issue and my areas of academic focus are what lead
me to the Becky Lee Women”s Support Fund”s doorsteps. I am so excited they have welcomed me in. I have some fundraising, community education, and event planning experience. I am eager to learn some new skills in development and fundraising, as well as, bring in my past experiences so I can really be a useful member of the Becky’s Fund team. I am so excited to be here and cannot wait to see what the next few months have to offer.

Becky’s Fund soon to launch Peace at Home program to help military families suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is a topic that affects many, but is openly discussed by few. Soldiers who seek treatment for PTSD face many obstacles, from month long waiting lists to
losing their jobs or status. These obstacles prevent many from seeking the help
that they desperately need, which can lead to greater instances of suicide and
domestic violence. About 1 in 8 veterans will return home with PTSD, and these
men are four times more likely to abuse their spouses than those without PTSD.
These devastating statistics show that it’s time to break the silence.

Becky’s fund is working to create a program called Peace at Home. This program
will work to create a service that will both help the soldiers with PTSD and
support their families. This program will include therapy, an online community,
and other resources to support those affected by PTSD and help to break the
silence surrounding the issue.

Potential Partners:–this group looks to provide online
resources to soldiers with ptsd, might be helpful for the online community portion
of the program–they work to provide interim counseling
while soldiers wait for VA resources

battlingbare—a support system for wives of vets with PTSD

Becky’s Fund Welcomes New Intern Antonice Strickland

My name is Antonice Strickland and I am the newest intern at Becky’s Fund.

I am a recent graduate of Michigan State University (MSU), having earned a Bachelor”s degree in Journalism with an emphasis in International Reporting, Political Science and Public Relations. I was very active on campus while attending MSU, especially in the multicultural community serving as an advocate for unity and multiculturalism. I organized the publication geared to uplift, educate, enlighten and entertain the cultural students at MSU called VOICE Magazine. I served as the charter president of the National Association of Black Journalist and at MSU and have a strong background in radio, working as an on-air personality for IMPACT 89FM. Lastly, I became a member of the Distinguished Delta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. With my diverse background it was only natural to be enthusiastic about working with Becky’s Fund and wanting to help with the progress of their mission.

Although I am not a personal victim of domestic violence or abuse, I have seen how it affects people that are close to me, and to get a chance to learn more about this issue is important. Everything I learn here can be shared with someone else and can help in educating the community on domestic abuse.

While at Becky”s Fund I want to learn to do PR and marketing for larger projects on my own and on a larger scale. I have done small programs and events while in school but nothing of this magnitude. I want to enhance my writing and marketing skills so that I will be able to be an asset to any company which is something I will definitely learn from working with Becky’s Fund.

I am so excited for this venture because not only am I working with a wonderful organization but I am able to be in a new place. Michigan is not around the corner from here so I am ready to make the best of this situation and grow to be an important part of Becky’s Fund and of the Washington D.C. community.

Emily’s Farewell

Any kind of farewell is going to sound at least a little bit cliché. So I’m going to apologize in advance and do my best to reinvent all the regular sentiments that are so overused, yet so true. Because frankly, as hot as this summer has been and as nice as it will be to get a break from commuting on the DC metro, I’m really going to miss working at Becky’s Fund, and won’t forget all of the really valuable things I’ve learned while I’ve had the privilege to work here.

So I’ll condense it down into my top 10 lessons from Becky’s Fund summer 2012:

1. Carrots are a noisy food. I learned this the hard way. If you don’t want to feel uncomfortable boss and/or coworkers, pick a less crunchy food for your lunches the first week.

2. Sustainability can be stressful, but always a worthy endeavor. One of the first and somewhat shocking lessons I learned coming into a non-profit for the first time was just how grant and donor dependent our mission is. If there are no funds to make the programs happen, they can’t. And if the programs don’t happen, we can’t make the difference we want to make. So grant writing, sponsorships and fundraising are key. In order to be a successful grant writer or fundraiser, you have to make someone else believe in the importance and effectiveness of what you’re doing as much as you do. I’ve never been more challenged to communicate “why” in so few words as when petitioning for funding, but in the end, it makes sense. If you can explain it clearly, others can understand it clearly and get on board with you to make the change you want to see in the world. The challenges of sustainability end up gifts in their own way.

3. When you hear no, you shrug it off and find a different way (otherwise known as “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”). When a company declines a sponsorship, or you don’t get the grant you were hoping for, you find a new way. Go out searching. Where there’s a will, there’s a way—maybe just not in the first place you thought it would be.

4. Organization will make you or break you. As a casual Excel spreadsheet user and color-coder before I came to Becky’s Fund, I thought I had the whole “get your ducks” in order thing down pat. In a non-profit, there are multiple programs, finances, sponsorships, meetings, grant deadlines and about a thousand other things. Google Drive is your friend. Spreadsheets, your love. Post its and to-do lists, your savior.

5. Believe in what you are doing, and you won’t want to stop. This applies really no matter the cause. Domestic violence and sexual assault as part of the larger sphere of gender violence and social inequality are so important to me, so working at Becky’s Fund has been a really productive outlet. One of the hardest things to do is accept that there are limitations. You can’t solve the issue you care about in one day. Working at Becky’s Fund has helped teach me that you can have your big dreams, but take it one day at a time. Keep going, and we’ll get there.

6. Clean your coffee mug regularly. Or risk the buildup of strange coffee colored residue and less tasty coffee.

7. Don’t panic when the train is late. Because you can’t make it go any faster. You’ll only get yourself worked up. Let someone know you’re delayed and just try to roll with it. And no matter how fast you run down the metro platform, even if you make the train, you still kind of look crazy.

8. Sooner is always better than later. It’s easy to forget about a task or assignment that comes through email if you don’t make a note or get on top of it right away. So just for safety’s sake, I’ll say do both. The more on top of it you are, the more relaxed you’ll feel.

9. C is for Communicate. If you don’t understand an assignment, ask for clarification. When you finish something, let the person who needs to know, know. There are a lot of circumstances where fewer words are better, but if it means getting the job done, more are always better.

10. Have fun. Not only did I love the cause we’re working for, but I loved the “we” who were working for it this summer. Go out to lunch. Ask people about their weekends. Share stupid videos you find on the internet. The people you work with give you the energy to keep going even when you might not want to stay hopeful. Reading about domestic violence incidents and statistics as part of the everyday can get you down, but it’s the good times and the good friends you have around you in the office who will give you the strength you need to keep caring, and keep fighting.

So goodbye to Becky’s Fund, for now. It’s been a blast. I can’t wait to see where the organization goes and all it’s going to be able to accomplish. Cheers to keeping up the good fight one day at a time and encouraging me to do the same. So with admiration, empathy and a lot of love, I’ll say good luck, and see you soon.

See Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law in ACTION!

Photo Courtesy: Getty Images

On May 11, 2012, 31-year-old Marissa Alexander, mother of three, was sentenced to twenty years in prison after firing what she claimed was a warning shot at her abusive husband, Rico Gray, 36. Despite previous offenses made by Gray, including an incident in 2009 which left Alexander hospitalized, the state of Florida maintains that Alexander is not protected under the controversial “Stand Your Ground” law and that on the day of the altercation, she was the aggressor.

Florida’s Stand Your Ground law has been met with much debate, and events occurring in recent months have made it into something of a hot-button issue. Following the slaying of Trayvon Martin, 17, by neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, a media storm has fallen upon the Florida suburb of Sanford, posing the question of what constitutes self defense in the state of Florida as well as eliciting the racial implications of the case. Nicknamed the “reverse Trayvon Martin” by some media outlets, Alexander’s situation undoubtedly draws some interesting comparisons to Martin’s, though it seems that a larger issue looms like the telltale elephant in the room; not of race, but of victim’s rights, self defense, and the taboo subject of domestic violence. Rewind to August 1, 2010, 130 miles north of Sanford in Jacksonville, Fla. An altercation erupts at the home of Marissa Alexander and Rico Gray after Gray finds text messages on Alexander’s cell phone from her former husband and father of her two oldest children, Lincoln Alexander. According to Alexander, Gray “assaulted me, shoving, strangling and holding me against my will, preventing me from fleeing all while I begged for him to leave.” Alexander eventually escapes to the garage, in the hopes of driving away in her truck. In her haste, she realizes that she doesn’t have her keys, and is briefly “trapped in the dark with no way out.” In order to escape, she must return to the house, and in an effort to protect herself against further assault, she retrieves her semi-automatic pistol. The fight culminates in the kitchen, where Alexander reports that Gray threatened to kill her (all the while in the presence of the two eldest children) and charged at her, prompting her to stand her ground and fire the warning shot that ricocheted off of the wall and hit the ceiling. Alexander is arrested, and convicted of three counts of aggravated assault, against Gray and the two children present. In a sworn deposition, Gray claimed that he was the aggressor in the exchange, but later changed his story in court, asserting that he had begged for his life during the altercation. Alexander’s children (both eleven-year-old twins, nine at the time of the incident) were questioned and expressed their fear, though the eldest son later changed his statement to police. Stand Your Ground states that one has the right to defend oneself when clear and imminent danger is present. If that is the case, why wasn’t Marissa Alexander protected under the law? Angela B. Corey acted as the prosecutor in the Alexander case. Corey has gained a great deal of notoriety and praise from the Trayvon Martin case, ironically bringing down second- degree murder charges on George Zimmerman, who also attempted to invoke the Stand Your Ground law. Corey has actively voiced her condemnation of protesters who maintain that Alexander was wrongly convicted. “Alexander was not fleeing from an abuser,” Corey has stated to the press. Gray has admitted in depositions that he has hit every girlfriend he has been with except for one and had threatened Alexander’s life if she had ever cheated on him, which undoubtedly was the root of the exchange on August 1. He has also been arrested twice for domestic battery. When questioned about Gray’s violent past, Corey stated that, “A person’s propensity for violence is only one factor that would have allowed her to use Stand Your Ground at the moment when she fired…If that’s what you’re saying, she can walk into a room and just see him and shoot.” But Alexander did not walk into a room, see him, and shoot. In which case, she would be guilty, and rightfully so. Instead, Alexander, like countless other women was in an abusive relationship, felt that her life was in danger and then attempted to preserve it. And, like countless other women, Alexander was a victim of victim-blaming. She attempted to invoke a law which, on the surface, appears to protect victims, but instead allows abusers to walk free. One of the primary arguments used by the prosecution was that Alexander could have escaped through the garage, front, and back doors, despite the fact that the Stand Your Ground states that a victim has no duty to flee. A clear message is being sent: “You are abused and are therefore at fault because you did not escape the abuse.” The most dangerous time for a battered woman in an abusive relationship is upon attempting to leave the relationship. It is at this point that self defense is paramount, but if the law won’t protect victims, who will? Coupled with Stand Your Ground is Florida’s 10-20-Life law, a variation of mandatory minimum sentencing, which also hindered Alexander’s defense. Implemented in 1999, the law was credited with helping lower the violent crime rate in the state. The law states that anyone who shows a gun in the commission of a felony gets an automatic 10 years in prison. If the gun is fired, it’s an automatic 20 years. Shoot and wound someone: 25 years to life. The law strips judges of the use of discretion, and, as was Alexander’s case, victims are unfairly sentenced. People like Alexander: a mother, a model citizen with a Ph.D., and, unfortunately, a victim of spousal abuse, are lumped with a “thug robbing a liquor store,” as stated by Victor Crist, Republican state legislator who penned the 10-20-Life bill. Alexander’s fate was not the intention of lawmakers, but laws such as these only perpetuate the idea that victims, overwhelmingly women, are to blame. Though the media and social advocacy groups, most notably the NAACP, have made Marissa Alexander’s case, along with Trayvon Martin’s, into a symbol of racial injustice, such close comparisons to Martin eclipse the greater societal implications of Alexander’s case; the fact that we haven’t come as far as we think in women’s rights, harkening to the days of yore when a woman could be sexually assaulted and then punished as an adulteress. When it’s all boiled down, a female victim in 2012 can still be made into a social pariah, the only difference being the media coverage. 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Does Twilight Make Dating Violence Sexy?

 Breaking Dawn Part 2 (The Trailer)

After the recent release of the official trailer for the Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn Part Two, it's a fresh reminder of the continual concerns and complaints about what the series says about dating. Despite the “romantic” nature of the novels and their widespread popularity (especially among girls ages 12-16), when taken out of their context, some of the facts of Bella's relationship with both Edward and Jacob are quite disturbing.

A teenage girl, (or a full grown woman, for that matter), probably shouldn't be swooning at the thought of a man who sneaks into her bedroom at night to watch her sleep, who separates her from her friends, who asks her to fake her death to the outside world in order to join his family, and withholds sex to get what he wants (marriage). And though 50 Shades of Grey might be making the BDSM scene popular for the moment, it doesn't matter how strong your boyfriend is, it's not tremendously sexy to wake up covered in bruises.

So what are we getting out of this as a culture? Millions will pour into theaters to watch the final installment of the Twilight Series, where Bella has finally been totally transformed, and cut off from the vast majority of her support network. But, it's all ok because Edward is obsessively in love with her.

So, when Twilight  hits theaters later this year, keep in mind 10 tips & warning signs your partner might be abusive… Edward style.

  1. He has power over if and when you have sex. Manipulation isn't sexy.
  2. Your partner repeatedly tells you that he couldn't live without you, or ever attempts to kill himself (See book 2)
  3. Your partner should never cut your car wires in order to prevent you from  seeing a close friend because he is suspicious about your romantic involvement (a la Jacob)
  4. Your partner should never be breaking into your house, whether to watch you sleep or to steal the keys to your car.
  5. Your relationship should not put you in repeated mortal danger.
  6. You shouldn't be afraid of your partner, and your partner shouldn't have a taste for blood.
  7. Your partner shouldn't feel threatened by or ever try to fight your male friends.
  8. Being in a relationship with your partner requires you to sacrifice dreams and relationships, like going to college or seeing your family.
  9. Your partner shouldn't break things when angry.
  10. Most of all, you shouldn't have to change who you are to be with someone.

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