Learn more about Taylor Soldner’s experience at Becky’s Fund!
Working with Becky’s Fund has been an eyeopening experience. When I began my internship, I hoped to learn more about the causes of domestic violence and how to eradicate it from my university campus and my community. I hoped to use my communication skills to start the conversation about domestic and dating violence. I hoped to get people talking about an issue that is swept under the rug in so many instances. As my internship with Becky’s Fund comes to a close, I realize I got everything I hoped for and so much more.
Throughout my internship with Becky’s Fund, I have been able to use my skills in communication and design in many ways. It was so rewarding to take photos and promote Becky’s Fund’s activities and news stories on the web because I started the conversation about domestic violence and got people talking about breaking news concerning domestic and dating violence. Also, I was afforded the opportunity to create promotional materials for both the Tough Mudder fundraiser and Walk This Way fashion show. Working closely with other Becky’s Fund team members on all of these projects taught me more about what Becky’s Fund is really about: teamwork, camaraderie and compassion to bring about the end of domestic violence.
Becky’s Fund is an amazing organization that prides itself on four pillars: foster awareness, encourage advocacy, promote activism and create support. I was able to assist on projects that addressed each and every one of these pillars and it was very rewarding! I have never had the opportunity to be thrown into important projects and pushed to succeed, but that’s what Becky’s Fund is all about. It is why we help more than 120 families a year, because of the compassion and dedication it takes to help victims become survivors.
I also had the opportunity to work closely on the Men of Code program and I could not have been happier to see how much the football players at Friendship Collegiate Academy absorbed the information. From class discussions to group activities and skits, the players showed an aptitude at understanding leadership, masculinity, sexual assault and bystander intervention that I did not expect. It was a pleasant surprise to see the players open up about their past experiences and to discover how they can handle situations differently in the future. There is nothing else in the world like seeing the impact a few people can make on a group of boys who will become our future leaders. I can only hope they take what they learned during the program and apply it all to their lives after the program is over.
I learned so much more about the causes and effects of domestic violence on women living in my community. I spoke with survivors and heard their stories. I educated others in my community about domestic violence and started the conversation about this issue. Overall, my experience at Becky’s Fund was incredibly rewarding, there is no other word for it.